netsh http add iplisten
Second Glassfish will need to be configured to listen to only one address. In the config.xml for the domain find the network -listeners and add an address to port 80:
A blog about software development, mostly in Java and an emphasis on Big Data, noSql (Cassandra) and webapps. Many posts relate to the ac32007 (now ac32009) (Internet Programming) and ac41011 (Big Data) modules I teach at the University of Dundee
var lsaCall = [0]; function loadSubscribedArticles(i,tag,Author){ //alert("lsaCall "+lsaCall[i]); if ((lsaCall[i]==undefined) || (lsaCall[i] ==0)) { lsaCall[i]=1; //alert("Undefined"+lsaCall[i]); var int=self.setInterval("loadSubscribedArticles('"+i+"','"+tag+"','"+Author+"')",1000); } }